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Foster Family Pinwheel
Owned by: ​Brenda & Larry Foster
Located: 825540 Grey Rd 40, Meaford Ontario
Three very distinct families have lived on this property since it was settled prior to 1851. The original settlers, the Patterson’s, have their Scottish tartan commemorated through the blue and green of the quilt. The Sparling family carried on in the farming ways and are represented by the blue and yellow, colours prominent in their English family crest. The third family to reside here bring two different lineages, Foster being remembered through the green and yellow of their family crest, and the Dutch heritage of Reinders evident in the orange pinwheel. Each colour also represents the agricultural history of the property:
Brown - the fertility of soil, to provide a base for plants to grow.
Blue – the life-giving force of water, abundant in the creeks and in the closeness of Georgian Bay
Green – spring, the new growth of crops and the promise of an abundant harvest
Yellow – the brightness and necessity of the sun, without which none of this is possible
Orange – harvest-time, a thanksgiving for all that has been gathered and accomplished throughout the season.
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