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Rocklyn Community Quilt
Host & Sponsor: Rocklyn Community Groups
Located: 156371 7th Line,
Meaford Ontario
In what seems like the sleepy little hamlet of Rocklyn, Ontario resides a thriving community center where volunteerism runs deep in our roots. The quilt represents 10 local community groups who use the arena on a regular basis. They are the Rocklyn Agricultural Society, Center Grey Lions, Friends of the Rocklyn Arena, the Rocklyn 4H Clubs, Rocklyn Junior Farmers, the Rocklyn Skating Club, Rocklyn Kids Hockey, the Father's Day Car and Tractor Show, Rocklyn Country Theatre, Women's Institute and the Temple Hill United Church. The Euphrasia Memorial Centre was built in 1972 on the grounds of the original Hall built in 1896. The original Hall was a post and beam structure originally built for the cattle shows at the annual Fall Fair. In 1906 they built a two story Exhibition Hall to have two floors of space to put all the fair displays. In 1949 the Agricultural Society obtained grants from the government and local residents donated time and materials to upgrade the arena. But later it was deemed that the structure was unfit by the new building codes which led to the construction of a new community centre. The community members fundraised to build the Arena up to code in 1972. In the back, behind the hall is the shed where the skaters would tie up their horses on Saturday Nights. The Memorial Gates were erected to commemorate those who fought in the war and were built into the new Arena when it was rebuilt. This is still the entrance way to the Rocklyn Arena. The old Euphrasia Township was amalgamated into the Municipality of Grey Highlands in 2001. There has been many changes in the arena, from oil lamps to electricity, an open ice surface to an enclosed skating rink. As well as many activities like community dances, celebrations, 150 annual fall fairs, curling, ice skating, hockey, cattle showing, weddings, and much more. One thing has stayed the same since the mid 1800's, the Rocklyn area is a strong, vibrant group of people that have always been focused on community.
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